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Sunday, 14 February 2021

Daily digest of COVID-19 in France on 14 February 2021. Day 351.

Covid-19 in France on 14 February 2021
Covid-19 in France on 14 February 2021
📈 Data sources: see Appendix - Sources.
Confirmed cases - Trend over the last two weeks

♠ See Charts for more data visualisations.

Official Statistics#

🧫 Cumulative Confirmed Cases

  • Total: 3,465,163 (+16,546)
  • EHPAD/EMS: 184,192 (no update)

☠️ Cumulative Deaths

  • Total: 81,814 (+167)
  • Hospital: 57,815 (+167)
  • EHPAD/EMS: 23,999 (no update)

🏥 Hospitalisations

  • Total: 26,445 (+205)
  • In the last 24 hours: 649 (-433)
  • In the last week: 9,921 (-1,142 compared with last week)

😞 ICU Admissions

  • Total: 3,309 (+5)
  • In the last 24 hours: 113 (-78)
  • In the last week: 1,763 (-4 compared with last week)

🏡 Hospital Discharges

  • Total: 241,628 (+274)

💉 Cumulative Vaccinations

  • First doses: 2,411,265 (+4,840)
  • Second doses: 661,049 (+7,231)

📊 Monitoring Indicators

  • Incidence rate: 168.56
  • ICU bed occupancy rate: 65.2%
  • Effective reproduction number (R): 0.91
  • RT-PCR positivity rate: 5.39%
  • Proportion of residents in EHPAD/long-term care units having received at least one dose of vaccine: 72.8% (up to 13/2)
📢 For the COVID-19 Daily News Digest, it is only available in traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese at the moment.