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Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Daily digest of COVID-19 in France on 22 September 2021. Day 571.

Covid-19 in France on 22 September 2021
Covid-19 in France on 22 September 2021
📈 Data sources: see Appendix - Sources.
Confirmed cases - Trend over the last two weeks

♠ See Charts for more data visualisations.

Official Statistics#

🧫 Cumulative Confirmed Cases

  • Total: 6,971,493 (+6,794)

☠️ Cumulative Deaths

  • Total: 116,282 (+60)
  • Hospital: 89,465 (+58)
  • EHPAD/EMS: 26,817 (+2)

🏥 Hospitalisations

  • Total: 8,414 (-180)
  • In the last 24 hours: 361 (-142)
  • In the last week: 2,223 (-768 compared with last week)

😞 ICU Admissions

  • Total: 1,656 (-88)
  • In the last 24 hours: 68 (-68)
  • In the last week: 555 (-194 compared with last week)

🏡 Hospital Discharges

  • Total: 418,859 (+462)

💉 Cumulative Vaccinations

  • First doses: 50,079,220 (+45,611)
  • Second doses: 47,925,997 (+143,343)
📢 For the COVID-19 Daily News Digest, it is only available in traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese at the moment.