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✨ Preface

Daily Digest - COVID-19 IN FRANCE is a website that presents daily COVID-19 statistics and news in France in the form of a daily digest.

It records the outbreak of COVID-19 in France from 1 March 2020, the day after the cumulative number of confirmed cases in France reached 100 (France had 100 cumulative confirmed cases of COVID-19 on 29/2 and confirmed 30 more cases on 1/3, bringing the total number to 130), and it is currently updated as of 9 October 2021 (latest digest available).

A digest will normally contain:

  • Official Statistics: French official statistics of that day
  • Daily News Highlights: Covid-19 news in France (currently only available in traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese)

In addition, each week there is a digest of the weekly epidemiological update in France (also only available in traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese at the moment).

Note: The official statistics is only available from 2 March 2020, i.e. from Daily Digest Day 2.

All data sources can be found in Sources in Appendix. If you have any questions or find any errors, you can contact me via the contact information in the About page.

Feel free to share this website and even consider supporting it by buying me a cake. I hope this website helps you get a better insight into the pandemic situation in France.

Best wishes and stay safe.